





Type of spiral air duct:
螺旋风管市场上按材质一般分为三类:镀锌螺旋风管、不锈钢螺旋风管以及复合螺旋风管。其中,不锈钢风管质量最好,适用性强,但价格高。目前市场上流通最广的螺旋风管是镀锌板的。镀锌板螺旋风管,基本是不锈钢螺旋风管的特性,但是价格相石家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅  保定水处理设备 河北机械加工 北京电动门  保定养老院  保定防水对只有不锈钢风管的三分之二甚至更低。复合螺旋风管一般应用在外界环境较为普通,对风管要求不太高的场所。特点由于铁皮容易在各种环境下发生化学反应,造成腐蚀、生锈。而锌在干燥的空气中几乎不发生变化。在潮湿的空气中,锌表面会生成致密的碱式碳酸锌膜。螺旋风管主要是在风管铁皮上镀上一层锌,对铁皮起到保护的作用。锌镀层经钝化处理、染色或涂覆护光剂后,能显著提高其防护性和装饰性。
The spiral air duct market is generally divided into three categories according to the material: galvanized spiral air duct, stainless steel spiral air duct and composite spiral air duct. Among them, stainless steel air duct has the best quality and strong applicability, but its price is high. At present, the most widely circulated spiral air duct on the market is galvanized sheet. Galvanized sheet spiral air duct is basically the characteristic of stainless steel spiral air duct, but its price is only two thirds or even lower than that of stainless steel air duct. Composite spiral air duct is generally used in places where the external environment is relatively common and the requirements for air duct are not too high. Features: The iron sheet is easy to react in various environments, causing corrosion and rust. However, zinc hardly changes in dry air. In humid air, a dense basic zinc carbonate film will be formed on the zinc surface. The spiral air duct is mainly coated with a layer of zinc on the iron sheet of the air duct to protect the iron sheet. The protective and decorative properties of zinc coating can be significantly improved after passivation, dyeing or coating with light protecting agent.


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