





Steel gate manufacturers believe that the leakage of steel gate causes: generally due to erosion, rust and winter ice blockage and other problems affecting the normal operation of the hoist gate. For this reason, the steel gate manufacturer has put forward the following methods to plug the leakage of the steel gate. There are mainly three ways to plug the leakage in engineering practice.
The first is the measures of slag plugging.
Step by step, check the water leakage of the gate of the hoist, find out the size and location of the water leakage, and analyze the causes of the leakage in order to prescribe the appropriate medicine. Slag is the residue left over from coal combustion. The principle of slag leak stoppage is that the slag volume is slightly larger than water, and it sinks slowly to the bottom of the water. When it sinks near the leak point of the gate of the hoist, the pressure decreases along the direction of the flow due to the velocity of the leak point.
在周围高压的作用的,炉渣顺水流被吸收到漏水点,堵到漏水的缝隙上。炉渣堵漏方法适用水封磨损,启闭机闸门发生小变形,水封不能封严以及启闭机保定平面设计培训 收费岛模具 挡土墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞护栏模具 大棚遮阳网 遮阴网闸门安装偏差而造成的启闭机闸门漏水情况。这种漏水现象往往十分普遍,启闭机闸门漏水十之八九为此原因。这种原因造成的启闭机闸门漏水,其水量多不是十分巨大,适合用炉渣堵漏。
Under the action of surrounding high pressure, the slag is absorbed along the water flow to the leaking point and plugged into the leaking crevice. Slag plugging method is suitable for water seal wear, small deformation of hoist gate, water seal can not be sealed, and water leakage of hoist gate caused by installation deviation of hoist gate. This kind of leakage phenomenon is often very common. Ninety-nine times of the water leakage in the gate of the hoist is caused by this phenomenon. The water leakage of the gate of the hoist caused by this reason is not very large, so it is suitable to plug the leakage with sla


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